Sun Life: A Workplace Case Study
Sun Life is a financial services organization offering insurance, wealth and asset management solutions. Based in Canada, the company works with private and corporate clients across the globe.
Why Workplace?
Workplace offered a familiar and flexible platform for streamlined communication across its global workforce. The mobile functionality and familiar features ensured easy adoption for the entire Sun Life community, from frontline workers to senior executives.
Sun Life leaders wanted to create a safe space for employees to come together to share information, collaborate and hold meaningful discussions.
Financial Services
"What I love about Workplace, and one of the reasons I’ve been a huge advocate for it wherever I’ve worked, is how nimble it is compared to legacy or traditional communications channels."
Creating a space for open dialogue
Workplace Live allows Sun Life to create information and collaboration channels by hosting regular “diversity dialogue sessions” led by an executive team member. These sessions bring executive team members and subject matter experts together for thought-provoking and challenging conversations, no matter where they’re located. With the opportunity for everyone to get involved, these secure spaces for open dialogue are helping to improve outcomes and learnings across the organization, and connecting and engaging with people in countries that may have restrictions surrounding some communities. Workplace Live has allowed Sun Life to broaden their reach and encourage global employee grassroots initiatives that reach beyond North American and European borders, such as a new Pride chapter in the Philippines.
Implementing DE&I
Sun Life created a global DE&I group for employees and leaders on Workplace, where they can easily share and access the latest announcements, policies and updates. A pinned post at the top of the group ensures information is highly visible and easy to find. The two-way flow of communication in these spaces allows everyone to find the knowledge they need, improve their understanding and open the conversation for everyone to join. Allowing employees to showcase their name pronunciation and pronouns in open text fields, as well as skin-tone sensitive emojis are critical features and have helped further bolster the company’s inclusive philosophy.
Becoming more agile
As an international company, Sun Life realized the importance of responding to both global and local issues in real time. Workplace Groups enable the organization to quickly respond to internal and external topics, trends and conversations, and ensure leaders can respond in a less scripted and more genuine format than email allows. These faster, authentic responses from leaders are helping to build loyalty across every level of the organization, while also helping to reduce planning and approval processes associated with legacy communication channels.
Key Features
Live Video
The most authentic way to communicate with your team.
Connect to the tools you’re already using.
Workplace Chat
Make quick decisions with instant messaging and video calls.
News Feed
Stay up to date with the information you care about.